The area included in the Hampstead (21074) and Manchester (21102) Post Office zip codes, covers an area of approximately 3 ½ miles to the south, 6 miles to the north, and 1 mile to both the east or west of the site.
Hampstead |
Manchester |
Total |
6,457 |
4,503 |
10,960 |
Total population By zip Code 31,066 (10,960 X2.83 average....)
Population From Census Information
(Source- ESRI Business Information Services, 2/2020)
3 Mile |
5 Mile |
7 Mile |
(Population) |
16,597 |
28,639 |
41,469 |
Average HH Income |
$102,758 |
$107,542 |
$110,372 |